The Future of Work without work (the future of humankind)
Futures studies (aka futurology) & singularity warns us about the need to come back to the natural education of youth and promotion of entrepreneurial drive (the core of natural education) in order to survive the disruptions to come.
Changing our mindset and beliefs about nowadays education and work (created during the XIX century, actually) is the only way to walk the brand new world to come when no need to be employed to survive and the core of our lives is (may be) the importance of creativity and entrepreneurial mindset (just the ones not developed in formal education), to survive the singularities to come.
We should be aware about about some asumptions we were educated to believe as universal truths (e. g. the need to work in order to survive) are just sociohistorical inventions and not natural facts, which are actually very recently created and soon totally outdated and surpassed by the deep global socioeconomical crisis and technological revolution the plandemic is just speeding up and we soon will be finally aware about, instead of continuing believing the economy and labour force will be the same in the next decades as it was during the XIX century.
We should be aware about he crucial importance of entrepreneurial drive and mindset for the future of humankind and not only to get one of the rare and scarce jobs available in the (near) future under the evidence that automatitation and Artifical Intelligence (AI) will manage most of the ordinary and qualified work needed in a more efficient, productive and sustainable way. The last is not an opinion but actually what is expected by the main minds behind the development of AI with the vission of getting rid of the need to work to survive so we may enjoy our lifes and develop our societies in a real human and prosperous way...
© 2021 Pablo Castiñeiras
The AI (transhuman) Utopia?
Integral education?

- You have a mind. It commands your body in order to survive attending the real or virtual needs of your environment and your internal 'personality' programmation. You plann with it and add a lay of virtuality to the outside reality, creating your vision of the other and the others.
- You have a spirit. It makes you feel, live and die.
We only use the 10% of our brains

Abstract: The aboved mentioned is a famous phrase considered as a very foolish for the "scientific" skeptics. Under the scanner, indeed there are barely no areas of the brain which are not activated at one time or another in our mental activity. Therefore, believing most of our brain is waiting to be used makes no sense.
The famous phrase has also been discredited because it is frequently used by people who offer all classes of techniques and exercises to use that 90% we apparently do not use to foster our cognitive capabilities (speed reading, super memory, speed thinking) and even going further attributing this 'fact' to the possibility of unveiling 'supernatural' (clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation ...) 'powers' with special training.
We don´t need no Learning to learn
“We don´t need no education” Pink Floyd, The Wall…

<<Early in life humans learn to walk and talk. Later on, nevertheless, they have to learn to sit down and shut up>> Marcel Pagnol
Be the change you want to see

Abstract: "We need to be the change we wish to see in the world." This quotation is attributed to Mahatma Ghandi. It is a key concept to transform society which played a major role in the revolution he initiated.
Do you know about Ghandi´s changes in life or only the external facts in his theatre of life?
Do you dare to find out about his own
(whoever) growing and 'experiments with truth' to find a different
personal context which could be lately applied and lead to a
different reality for the others?
It is all about Focusing not about Consumption
Open your eyes and watch what it is in front of you, what it is in behind, inside, outside, around, with empty mind and fully awareness, as the first time, waking up, escaping from the time and space prison...

Abstract: Focus on
yourself, unfocusing your artificial ego. Focus on the world of
now, unfocusing the virtual reality and then, you will be able to
change (you) the world.