We only use the 10% of our brains

Abstract: The aboved mentioned is a famous phrase considered as a very foolish for the "scientific" skeptics. Under the scanner, indeed there are barely no areas of the brain which are not activated at one time or another in our mental activity. Therefore, believing most of our brain is waiting to be used makes no sense.
The famous phrase has also been discredited because it is frequently used by people who offer all classes of techniques and exercises to use that 90% we apparently do not use to foster our cognitive capabilities (speed reading, super memory, speed thinking) and even going further attributing this 'fact' to the possibility of unveiling 'supernatural' (clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation ...) 'powers' with special training.
What could be somewhere in between these two views in the light of what is 'scientifically' known about our brains? My idea is that you may certainly know and use it consciously to 10% of our brain (probably less) what we call reason and / or consciousness and move into the neocortex (the newest part of the human brain and external) and 90% remaining active and working but does not know what or how it does not consciously employ it at will (the parts most evolutionarily ancient brain that are responsible for regulating basic bodily actions necessary for our survival, what we call intuition, what we call the unconscious ... that is what is called brain neurology reptileáneo, limbic, etc.).
Well, this may seem obvious, what is new in this? What's new (eastern philosophies that is rather old and they know it for millennia) would actually think that 90% do not know of our mind can be known or even used at will (as the true faquieres and yogis) and not to obtain supernatural powers but to have a vision of reality more comprehensive and more holistic vital interaction.
It is wrong to think that this is logical that if we were to occupy us in a conscious
and voluntary beating of our heart or the digestion process could not have much
time or resources to think, reflect and create. While this is true is not to
say that the important thing is to try to get control of a conscious and continuing
this process (which would be possible) but that unconscious processes are effectively
our service conscious. Think that the unconscious is subject to the conscious
is a Western idea already illustrated expires and think that the unconscious
is 'evil' and the conscious "good" or better is also something that keeps us
from believing experience.
We may think of reason as a computer software and the unconscious as the processor
or hardware. The hardware has a tremendous potential and can do anything a program
request, however, the software, once programmed can only comply and follow the
instructions created and therefore limiting the power of the hardware to them.
At the moment the software is changed things change.
What is the equivalent in your mind to it? When referring to the software equivalent
would be the "states of consciousness", the hardware, which has been called mind
'unconscious', parts of the limbic brain, reptiláneas, etc. Who is the programmer?
Therein lies the crux of the matter to know who your brain is fundamental program
to access different states of consciousness that allow you to use the potential
'unconscious / hidden' in your brain at will.
Who is the developer?
The first thing you must know if you have an answer to this question is that you know not mastered your mind and your brain and your mind dominates.
Most people would think that the programmer is the conscious mind to think, analyze and reflect with abstract thinking (ie, the youngest of the brain called the neocortex and gives us that capability analytical / conceptual / virtual lacking in most other animals).
This idea is similar to the famous phrase lost in time and history that the West is echoed in the inscription on the door of the oracle at Delphi: "Know thyself"
Both phrases are closely interconnected, if one does not know his mind can not 'programmed' at will, if you can not program can not know himself, and if one does not know can not have self control.
This may seem a logical gibberish is easier to understand than it seems. We'll split.
1) What I do not know about my mind? More than 90% of whatever your brain does to stay alive without you having to deal with it (which is good because otherwise we could not dedicate ourselves to 'think' and 'create' new things external to us as animals can not), what is called unconscious (this includes what is called intuition, which are called reflex impulses, experiences conditioning, conditioned responses, etc, and something that is often overlooked, process all the information is received from the senses to the rational brain only has to deal with significant information.) That is, the 'hard and dirty work' to know what they spontaneous and our vision of reality which only reaches the scheduling parameters of the CPU of our unconscious passes.
2) What I do not know about myself?
© 2018 Pablo Castiñeiras