Be the change you want to see

Abstract: "We need to be the change we wish to see in the world." This quotation is attributed to Mahatma Ghandi. It is a key concept to transform society which played a major role in the revolution he initiated.
Do you know about Ghandi´s changes in life or only the external facts in his theatre of life?
Do you dare to find out about his own (whoever) growing
and 'experiments with truth'
to find a different personal context which could be lately applied and lead
to a different reality for the others?
I recommend you read the Top Ten Things to Think About If You Want to Change the World
The sometimes called philosopher, prophet and lately not-coped enlighted, Friedrich Nietzsche, talked about the (super)human as the one which makes philosophy and play. Should we understand this quote in terms of life being a game we must play and reflect upon it? what for? who for?
The universe is there waiting for us to give all we need to achieve our goals... but it is waiting for us to move and change. If we do not do it the universe will become an obstacle, coming to us without permission granted to confuse us and avoid to be ourselves and act as free consciousness. That´s not freedom. Do you want to be free?
When a child grows up leaving his playing and living chilhood for entering into the teenager years to experiment the shocking and tragical rational competitive life we name adulthood. Could educators let them remember themselves and the change they could be or just should speed up this entering process in a "brave new world" making it less traumatical and more efficient for the "status quo"?
If you want to understand the others you must first understand yourself
If you want change the others, you have first to play with yourself and life, as when you were a child.
To be the change you want to see, indeed, it is the only work anybody can do. It is not simple neither easy but life is worthwhile doing it.
What is the meaning of life? It is not a philosophical never-answered question. It is about what YOUR life means to you and if you are able to switch and/or (un)focus the 'contexts' throughout you are 'apparently' living it. You can realise about till what extent you can change, -in terms of growing for the best- no matters whatever happened in your past.
--> Do you want an alive example of what I mean? There are thousands but I recommend you the one of Steve Pavlina <--
Nowadays a famous personal development blogger, author and practitioner, Steve Pavlina´s webpage is worthwhile the visit. Of the things I fully agree from his website -and I can say I experienced my self- I pick up the next quotation connecting with the change you want to see:
<<When people first begin to experience the transition from unconscious growth
to conscious growth, it can be a difficult time. Initially it may feel like self-sabotage
is taking over. Old patterns begin to die before new patterns have time to emerge.
When you're going through this transition, you may feel apathetic and disconnected
from things that used to matter to you, such as your job, your schoolwork, or
your primary relationship. Rest assured you aren't going crazy. You're going
through a natural awakening process. You're becoming more conscious and aware>>
This will happen to you and to the world if more and more people take the challenge to be themselves and not just a slave of their education and mental programation (family, school, work, institutions, blind faiths, fixed non-critizised ideas, fears, comfort zones, etc).
© 2018 Pablo Castiñeiras