It is all about Focusing not about Consumption
Open your eyes and watch what it is in front of you, what it is in behind, inside, outside, around, with empty mind and fully awareness, as the first time, waking up, escaping from the time and space prison...

Focus on yourself, unfocusing your artificial ego. Focus on the world
of now, unfocusing the virtual reality and then, you will be able to change (you)
the world.
And focusing is all about GESTALT THERAPY
What lays behind Gestalt therapy, the reasons why it works, are not new at all. And this technologies someones call Gestalt can be found in old technologies which have been used through centuries by a lot of people, especially in the Easterns civilizations. It is not only my opinion, but actually the one of the founder of the therapy as well:
<<I have been often called the father of Gestalt Therapy. However, it is right only if you call me the finder or rediscoverer of Gestal Therapy. Gestalt is as old as the World. The World, and especially each organism, is keeping itself, being the only constant law the creation of whole Gestalts, of wholeness. In Gestalt you can find the socratic mayeutic as far as the chinese tradition. The novelty is the therapeutical use of these elemental principles. Here it is the real newness>>
Fritz Perls
Claudio Naranjo, a disciple and expert on Gestalt wrote 9 'commandments' to life in Gestalt:
- Live now: worry about the present before you do about the past or future.
- Live in here: worry about what is going on and not about what is missing.
- Experience the real world: stop using your imagination as a substitution of experiencing your life.
- Stop thinking about the nonsenses; just enjoy and watch what is going on.
- Express yourself instead of manipulate, explain, justify or judging.
- Don´t put limits to your counsciousness: experience and let yourself into pain as you would let yourself into pleasure.
- Be a fan of nothing: do not accept other 'musts' or 'shoulds' beyond the ones you impose yourself,
- Be fully responsible of your actions, feeling and thinkings.
- Accept yourself: you are the way you are.
And now. How this commandments are taked into consideration when somebody adopts
the role of 'educator' to others? How can those be facilitated?
Technology could maybe help to realise where is the problem...
...but about the solution.... there is already a lot of 'technologhy' being tried out for milleniums, by Eastern researchers of the mind.
While, in the Western civilization, we were trying to evolve our technology to get rid of the outside (natural) threats. The Eastern civilizations were developing technology to get rid of the inner (natural) threats in our mind and bodies.
Is it possible both civilizationscan work together to develop a more integral technology for the inside and outside? Yes, indeed. China was (is) an example of that. Unfortunately not a good example as, again, the social structure is pretty much 'Western' developed and the other part is only let on individual basis (when to be an individual is allowed).
The solution could be, to try to integrate the technologies of knowing yourself and working upon yourself to the society and become the technologies concerning the outside world fruitful ones for the own development and real awareness (as could be the case with the technology showed in the above video).
Waking up. New awareness. Zen management of needs.
© 2018 Pablo Castiñeiras